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La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 08 mars 2012, 07:06
par Deltarr
His idea was to edit the Star Wars prequels into one movie, as they would provide him a lot of footage to work with. He used footage from all three prequels, a couple cuts from the original trilogy, some music from The Clone Wars television series, and even a dialogue bit from Anthony Daniels’ (C-3PO) audio book recordings. He even created a new opening text crawl to set up his version of the story.

The result is an 85-minute movie titled Star Wars: Episode III.5: The Editor Strikes Back. It should be noted that the Star Wars prequel trilogy is almost 7 hours in total length, and the shortest film (Episode 1) is more than 51 minutes longer than Grace’s fan cut. What this means is a lot of footage ended up on the editing room floor, and a lot of creative choices were made in the editing process. And the result? Topher Grace’s Star Wars film is probably the best possible edit of the Star Wars prequels given the footage released and available.

Whats most shocking is that with only 85 minutes of footage, Topher was able to completely tell the main narrative of Anakin Skywalker’s road from Jedi to the Sith. While I know the missing pieces and could even fill in the blanks in my head as the film raced past, none of those points were really needed. Whats better is that the character motivations are even more clear and identifiable, a real character arc not bogged down by podraces, galactic senates, Jar Jar Binks, politics or most of the needless parts of the Star Wars prequels. It not only clarifies the story, but makes the film a lot more action-packed.
Une version condensée de la prélogie qui élimine la plupart des aspects ridicules ou dérangeants (plus de jar jar, de mention des midichloriens ou des clones. Moins de politique, pas de Naboo, aucune mention de la "naissance" d'Anakin, pas de Jake Lloyd)... un reve... faut que je voie ca. Pour dire, le film commence par le combat entre Qui Gon, Obi Wan et Maul !
J0espere qu il sera disponible quelque part !!
The first time we see Anakin, he is grown up and played by Hayden Christensen (Jake Lloyd never appears in this version). Kenobi and Skywalker are assigned to protect Amidala from additional assassination attempts. This leads us quickly into the chase to capture the assassin in the skies of Coruscant. Anakin is assigned to accompany Padmé to her home planet of Naboo. Unlike George’s version, Obi-Wan doesn’t discover an army of clone troopers on Kamino, but instead stumbles upon Count Dooku’s motives.
....and the film ends with Anakin being turned into Darth Vader. The last shot features Vader’s helmet being lowered down onto Anakin, creating the most iconic villain. And we are left on that dark note. ... ute-movie/

Re: La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 08 mars 2012, 09:48
par v2b2
En effet, ça peut-être pas mal. :D

Re: La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 09 mars 2012, 07:49
par Sarlacc
Ouais... Je suis d'accord qu'il y a des éléments gonflants et inutiles, mais c'est pas vraiment là le signe que la prélo ne contient que du nul. Je parie mon salaire qu'on pourrait faire la même chose avec tous les films, y compris l'OT... :up2:

Re: La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 09 mars 2012, 10:03
par v2b2
Je suis d'accord avec toi, mais c'est pour ça que ça dure quand-même 85min.
En effet, on pourrait le faire avec tous les films.

Re: La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 09 mars 2012, 10:41
par Deltarr
OUais mais y a tellement a jeter, surtout dans EP1

Re: La prélogie SW en 85 minutes

Posté : 09 mars 2012, 22:34
par dark kyp
ça peut être intéressant à voir! :cool: